AP Calculus Schedule
Last Updated: 2020-01-17
Day Date Topic Topic Details Homework Free Response
M 2-Sep Course Intro Course intro Go through intro post  
T 3-Sep Limit Estimation (Graphs) Limits intro H: 1A (Associating Limits with Graphical Behavior)  
W 4-Sep Limit Estimation (Tables) Estimating limit values from graphs

Estimating limit values from tables
QB: MN1 (#57-60,61-66)  
Th 5-Sep Limits Estimation (Algebraic)

Limits of Trig Functions
Determining limits using algebraic properties of limits (limit properties & direct substitution)
Skip: Limits of composite functions

QB: MN1 (#16, 17, 19, 40, 45, 47-48)

F 6-Sep Limits Estimation (Algebraic) Determining limits using algebraic manipulation QB: MN1 (#20-21, 41-44)  
M 9-Sep Squeeze (Sandwich) Theorem Select procedures for determining limits

Determining limits using the squeeze theorem
QB: MN1 (#13)  
T 10-Sep Discontinuities

Continuity Definition
Exploring types of discontinuities

Defining continuity at a point
QB: MN1 (#1, 4-6, 7, 18,  35-37, 52-53)  
W 11-Sep Removing discontinuities Removing discontinuities QB: MN1 (#2, 3, 15, 23-26, 38, 39)  
Th 12-Sep Asymptotes Connecting infinite limits and vertical asymptotes No class tomorrow  
F 13-Sep No Class    
T 17-Sep Unit Circle Review   Exact Trig Values of Special Angles  
W 18-Sep Limits Limits Involving Trig Funtions WS 4
WS 7
Th 19-Sep Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) Intermediate Value Theorem H: Intermediate Value Theorem
MN1 (#9-10)
F 20-Sep   Rational Function Theorem

WS 5
WS 8 (#1-12, #13-19 odd, #21-30)
T 24-Sep   Squeeze Theorem WS 2.6  
W 25-Sep Derivatives: Intro Limit Definition of Derivative WS 9  
Th 26-Sep Derivative Rules Power Rule Study for Test 1  
Mon. schedule F 27-Sep Derivative Rules Tangent and Normal Lines Study for Test 1  
Tues. schedule Sat 28-Sep Test 1   Due on 10/8:
WS 10 (#1 - 14, 25 - 30)
WS 11
WS 13 (#1 - 4)
Wed. schedule Sun 29-Sep   No class for juniors    
Fri. schedule M 30-Sep   No class for juniors    
T 1-Oct No Class      
W 2-Oct No Class      
Th 3-Oct No Class      
F 4-Oct No Class      
M 7-Oct No Class      
T 8-Oct Derivative Rules Derivative as a Function WS 3.1 & 3.2  
W 9-Oct Derivative Rules Chain Rule WS 12  
Th 10-Oct Derivative Rules Product & Quotient Rule Section 3-4 (#1-9)  
F 11-Oct Derivative Rules Product & Quotient Rule WS 13 (#5 - 22, 29, 34, 36)  
M 14-Oct Implicit Differentiation Derivative of sin(x) and cos(x) WS 15 (#1 - 18 odd)  
T 15-Oct Differentiation: Inverse Functions Derivatives of Other Trig Functions WS 16 (#1 - 20 odd)  
W 16-Oct Differentiation: Inverse Trig Functions Derivatives of Exponential & Logarithmic Functions WS 17
Section 3-6
Th 17-Oct Differentiation: Inverse Trig Functions Implicit differentiation Section 3-10 (#1-11)  
F 18-Oct Procedures for Calculating Derivatives Differentiating inverse functions p. 355 (Sec 7.3, #24-40 even)
B: p. 135 (#1-20)
M 21-Oct Higher-Order Derivatives Differentiating inverse trigonometric functions WS 21A  
T 22-Oct Review Logarithmic Differentiation Section 3-13  
W 23-Oct Review Mean Value Theorem WS 31 (#1 - 12)  
Th 24-Oct Mean Value Theorem (MVT) L'Hopital's Rule Section 4-10  
F 25-Oct Extrema & Critical Points Differentiability & Continuity
Recognizing Limits as Derivatives
B: p. 138 (#21 - 32, skip BC only problems)  
T 29-Oct Sign Charts Determining intervals on which a function is increasing or decreasing p. 138 (#35 - 50)  
W 30-Oct Global Extrema First & Second Derivative Tests WS 65A  
Th 31-Oct Concavity Determining concavity of intervals and finding points of inflection WS 65B  
F 1-Nov Review    
M 4-Nov        
T 5-Nov Midterm      
W 6-Nov        
Th 7-Nov        
F 8-Nov      
T 12-Nov Review Midterm Debriefing Midterm Corrections  
W 13-Nov Review Global and Relative Extrema WS 65C  
Th 14-Nov Review Global and Relative Extrema WS 65D  
F 15-Nov Optimization Solving optimization problems WS 66 (#1-5)  
T 26-Nov Optimization Solving optimization problems
Review: Graphing
WS 67
WS 68 (#1-7)
W 27-Nov Optimization Introduction to related rates WS 34 (#1-11, 14-16)  
Th 28-Nov Optimization Solving related rates problems WS 35 (skip # 11)  
F 29-Nov Related Rates Solving related rates problems WS 36 (skip #8 - 9)
WS 37
WS 69
T 3-Dec Integration Review: Related Rates
Basic Integration
WS 22  
W 4-Dec Integration Box Method WS 23
Related Rates FR 1 & 2
Th 5-Dec Integration Integation with Long Division
Integration of Inverse Trig Functions
WS 24
WS 24.5
F 6-Dec Integration Definite Integrals WS 25
B: p. 225 (#1 - 21)
2000 #3
2004B #4
T 10-Dec Integration Integration of sin/cos of powers WS 26
WS 27
W 11-Dec Integration Integral of a^x WS 29
WS 30
Th 12-Dec Integration u-du Substitution WS 133 (#1-39 odd)  
F 13-Dec Integration Integration with completing the square
Integration Review
WS 133 (#2-40 even)
WS 134
B: p. 229 (#22-27, 29-41,
43 - 46)
1990 #4
1992 #6
T 17-Dec Riemann Sums Riemann Sums
Test Review
WS 41 (skip #2)  
W 18-Dec Riemann Sums Riemann Sums Study for test  
Th 19-Dec   Monthly Test 2  
F 20-Dec Area Exact Area via Integration
Riemann Sums as Limits
B: p. 271 (#1-28, skip 17)
WS 40 (#2-5)
WS 41 (#2)
Correct MT2 (MC and FR)
T 24-Dec Self-Study Self-Study  
W 25-Dec Area Area between 2 curves
Average Value
WS 42 (#1-7 odd, 9-13 all)  
Th 26-Dec Motion Area between 2 curves  B: p. 307 (#2-12 even, 16, 17)  
M Schedule F 27-Dec      
T Schedule Sat 28-Dec Motion Position, Velocity, Acceleration WS 72  
F Schedule Sun 29-Dec Motion Particle Problem WS 73
Particle Problem #1 & #2
B: p. 234 (#76-79)
WS 43
Re-correct MT2
M 30-Dec No Class      
T 31-Dec No Class      
W 1-Jan No Class      
Th 2-Jan Volumes Area and Motion Review
Riemann Sums as Limits
p. 272 (#29 - 38)  
F 3-Jan Volumes   WS 44
B: p. 231 (64 - 68, 70 - 75)
1986 #4
T 7-Jan Volumes Quiz 5-6 WS 45 1992 BC4
W 8-Jan Volumes Quiz 7   2003 #4
Th 9-Jan Review Quiz 8-9   2003B #5
F 10-Jan Review Quiz 10 Due 2/10:
IPE 2008: Section I (#1-28; skip 15, 18)
IPE 2008: Section II (#4, 6)
IPE 2012: Section I (#1-28; skip 23)
IPE 2012: Section II (#3, 4, 6)
M 13-Jan Review      
T 14-Jan Review      
W 15-Jan Review      
Th 16-Jan Final Exam      
F 17-Jan       1998 AB3
2001 AB2
T 11-Feb        
W 12-Feb        
Th 13-Feb        
F 14-Feb        
T 18-Feb   Review Final Exam Corrections  
W 19-Feb   Disk Method WS 49  
Th 20-Feb   Washer Method WS 50  
F 21-Feb   Disk and Washer Methods WS 51  
T 25-Feb   Rotation around another axis (disks) WS 52  
W 26-Feb   Rotation around another axis (washers) WS 53  
Th 27-Feb   Volumes with Cross Sections WS 129 (#1-2)  
F 28-Feb   Volumes with Cross Sections WS 129 (#3-4)
p. 309 (#18-27)
T 3-Mar Linear Approximation WS 80
W 4-Mar Linear Approximation WS 81
Th 5-Mar Symmetric Difference Quotient B: p. 145 (# 91-96)
F 6-Mar Variable Separable WS 82
B: p. 376 (#11-21)
T 10-Mar Exponential Growth WS 84
W 11-Mar Exponential Growth WS 85
Th 12-Mar Slope Fields WS 95
F 13-Mar FR: Slope Fields B: p. 377 (#22 - 37, skip #31/32) 2004B (#5)
2004 (#6)
T 17-Mar FR: Area/Volume 2000 (#1) 1998 (#1)
1999 (#2)
N: p. 3-5
W 18-Mar FR: Rates of Change 2002 (#2) 2003B (#2)
2004B (#2)
N: p. 28-30
Th 19-Mar FR: Riemann Sums 1999 (#3), 1998 (3) 2001 (#2)
2003B (#3)
N: p. 43-46
F 20-Mar FR: Graph of f' WS 74 2006B (#2)
2008 (#4)
N: p. 57-58
T 24-Mar FR: Accumulation Functions Detective's Hat 2001 (#3)
2002 (#4)
N: p. 80-81 Review (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) WS 74
W 25-Mar FR Quiz Review (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) WS 75
Th 26-Mar FR: Particle Motion 1999 (#1) 2002B (#3)
2002 (#3) 
N: p. 98-100 Review (Position, Velocity, Acceleration) WS 76
F 27-Mar FR: Implicit Differentiation 2004 (#4)
WS 75
2000 (#5)
2001 (#6)
N: p. 94-96 Review: Applications of Derivatives B: p. 189 (#1 - 11)
            Review: Applications of Derivatives B: p. 190 (#12-19)
T 31-Mar FR: Derivative Charts Review: Applications of Derivatives B: p. 191 (#20-26)
W 1-Apr FR: 2009 Review: Applications of Derivatives B: p. 192 (#31-41)
Th 2-Apr FR: 2009 Review: Applications of Derivatives B: p. 193 (#42-49, skip #46)
F 3-Apr FR: 2010 WS 99 2005B (#2)
            Review: Applications of Integrals B: p. 342 (#1 - 7)
T 7-Apr FR: 2010 Review: Applications of Integrals B: p. 343 (#14 - 19)
W 8-Apr FR: 2011 Review: Applications of Integrals B: p. 344 (#20 - 31)
Th 9-Apr FR: 2011
F 10-Apr FR: 2012 WS 100 2006B (#2)
T 14-Apr
W 15-Apr WS 101 2007 (#5)
Th 16-Apr WS 102 2007B (#1)
F 17-Apr
T 21-Apr WS 103 2007B (#2)
W 22-Apr WS 104
Th 23-Apr WS 105 2007 (#1)
F 24-Apr WS 106 2007 (#4)
T 28-Apr WS 107 2008B (#3)
W 29-Apr WS 108 2008 (#3)
Th 30-Apr WS 109
F 1-May WS 110
T 28-Apr Midterm
W 29-Apr
Th 30-Apr
F 1-May
WS 111 2007 (#5)
WS 112
WS 113
WS 114
WS 70
WS 39
WS 28
WS 57-59
WS 79
WS 83
WS 115
WS 116
WS 117
WS 118